Senin, 12 Maret 2012

PARADISE... How Does it Look like?????

In Islam religion it's explained as a very nice place...
The place that so beautiful, no pain, no sorrow etc... nothing bad... everything is just fun
The place accessible by those who pray, donate to charity, read Al-Qur'an and take it as the guidance in life, believe in : God, The Angels, His revealed Books, His Prophets and Messengera, The Judgement Day and the Afterlife, and follow God's will in their life.
Everyone wants to come in paradise...

No one knows how does paradise exactly look like...
But everyone has their own imagination about this life after life....
So these are some picture that little bit represent the Imagination of Paradise of Mine...

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Fruits in Heaven

How about yours?????

12 komentar:

  1. i don't know how paradise is... but, i think more than that picture you publis.

    1. i knew it buddy...
      of course it more and more than that...
      it just a little bit imagination and the pictures that i can find...
      thankz for coming...
      i'll do the same

  2. ya... karena nikmat yang tak pernah terlihat oleh mata, tak pernah didengar oleh telinga, tak terbayangkan....

    semoga kita semua bisa meraih surga Nya.. aamiin

  3. Gak tau artinya sob, yang jelas gambarnya bagus2 hehe...

  4. Heaven is beyond our imagination. Exactly, it's different from something exist in the world. that's my opinion!

  5. Buah-buahannya...bikin ngiler
    Heave must be more beautiful than we thought
    Smoga qt diijinkan ksana, aamiin

  6. Katanya ada wanita yang slalu perawan!!! Benarkah. Klo benar dipajang juga donk photonya!!!


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